Jornal/revista/editora: Routledge
Ano da publicação: 2020
Número da edição: 1
ISBN: 978-1138608047
Resumo: This chapter is part of the Routledge Handbook of Sustainable and Regenerative Food Systems, edited by Jessica Duncan, Michael Carolan and Johannes S. C. Wiskerke. The present contribution aims to place the discussion on agri-food markets within the broader scope of economic sociology, especially highlighting the analytical approaches to markets that have been mobilized by leading schools of contemporary sociological thinking. We intend to show the possibilities for dialogue as well as the explanatory potential offered by different economic sociology approaches to markets. Thus, we intend to contribute to fill the gap between studies on agri-food markets and the analysis of markets tout court.
Palavras-chave: food; markets; economic sociology
Equipe Gepad: Sergio Schneider (UFRGS); Abel Cassol (UFPel)
Link para comprar o livro: https://www.amazon.com.br/Routledge-Handbook-Sustainable-Regenerative-Systems/dp/1138608041